Does global English influence the perception of professional ethical dilemmas?, Advances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy, Edited by François Grin, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn, pp. 531–554, January 2022.
“Work is care, care is Work”, Project “The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato si’”, December 2020.
Changing Frontiers of Ethics in Finance: Ethics & Trust in Finance Global Prize Awards 2012-2017, Paul H. Dembinski / Josina Kamerling / Virgile Perret, Globethics, 2019.
Etika és felelősség a pénzügyi életben, Paul H. Dembinski , KETEG Alapítány, 2018.
Ethics and Responsibility in Finance, Paul H. Dembinski , Routledge, 2017.
Ethik und Verantwortung im Finanzsektor, Paul H. Dembinski, Schäffer-Poeschel, 2017.
Etyka i odpowiedzialność w świecie finansów, Paul H. Dembinski, Studio Emka, 2017.
Éthique et Responsabilité en Finance, Quo vadis ?, Paul H. Dembinski , RB Edition, Semptember 2015.
Beyond the Financial Crisis, Towards a Christian Perspective for Action, Paul Dembinski and Simona Beretta, The Caritas in Veritate Foundation Working Papers, June 2014.
Kryzys ekonomiczny i kryzys wartości, Paul Dembinski and Simona Beretta, Wydawnictwo M, 2014.
Trust and Ethics in Finance: Innovative ideas from the Robin Cosgrove Prize, Carol Cosgrove-Sacks and Paul H. Dembinski , Globethics, 2012.
Finanse po zawale, Od euforii finansowej do gospodarczego ładu, Paul H. Dembinski, Studio Emka, 2011.
The Role of Large Enterprises in Democracy and Society, Barbara Fryzel and Paul H. Dembinski, August 2010.
Finanzas que sirven o finanzas que enganan?, Paul H. Dembinski, Piramide Ediciones Sa, 2010.
The Impact of the Global Crisis on SME and Entrepreneurship Financing and Policy Responses, OCDE, June 2009.
Finance: Servant or Deceiver? Financialization at the Crossroad, Paul H. Dembinski, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Finance servante ou finance trompeuse ? : Rapport de l’Observatoire de la Finance, Paul H. Dembinski, Desclée de Brouwer, 2008.
Enron and the World of Finance. A Case Study in Ethics, December 2005.
The Ethical Foundations of Responsible Investment, Paul Dembinski, 2003.
Economic and Financial Globalisation What the Numbers Say, 2003.
Dette au delà du contrat/ Debt Beyond Contract, Supplément au n°2 de Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, Edouard Dommen, May 2001.
Ethical Issues in Financial Activities, published by the ‘Finance and Responsibility’ group, Geneva, November 2000.
Debt and the Jubilee : Pacing the Economy, Supplément au n°1 de Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, Jean-Michel Bonvin, December 1999.
Will the Financial Balloon Fly or Crash? The Paradox of Financial Inefficiency, Paul H. Dembinski assisted by Christophe Perritaz, November 1997.